I am Manuel, Cross-Platform Mobile Developer at Intelygenz Software. I’m passionate about everything related with Cross or mobile development. I’m currently working with technologies as React Native and Redux.
I’m working as a Cross-Platform Mobile Developer at Intelygenz Software in Madrid, Spain. I’m focused in cross-platform techonologies as React Native and Ionic, mobile and web development.
Past Work
Cross-Platform frameworks: A comparative study
Along with Intelygenz and the University of Cádiz, I developed an study about the performance of the most used Cross-Platform technologies in the software developement industry (React Native, Ionic, Weex and Flutter).
For that I developed one benchmark application in each one of he frameworks and meassured in them execution times and code quality metrics.
I worked as an intern on a software project at University of Cádiz. That project is called “GuessIt!” and is an application for mobile platforms, mainly Android.
The aim of the project is achieve an app which an student would use to learn languages like English or German.
If you want more information about the application please check our GitHub Repository
Mail: manuelrdsg@gmail.com